Linda van der Wijk

 Linda van der Wijk

When asked what being a global gypsy means to her…
Being a global gypsy means to dare to go with open eyes and an open mind, free to explore physically and mentally and to learn, every day, keep going, one foot after the other, wherever life takes you….embracing both calmness and chaos, being a global gypsy means to live!

Current Location

Bangkok, mostly

Fund Manager - Project Manager for an NGO

Linda van der Wijk

People, travel, food, reading and photography, languages and culture and article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What connects us is stronger than what divides us. 

Beauty & Style Tips
Drink lots of water, keep the clothes simple, wear the smile.

Spirit Animal

Linda van der Wijk

Dream Destination
Basically anywhere I haven’t been yet, on the wish list now are Japan, Leh and Ladakh in India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Morocco, Peru and more of Indonesia, more of Africa, South America…..the list goes on and on…..

Advice you would give your teenage self
(and still give myself sometimes) is that it is ok to be different, that it’s ok to not fit the mould and to choose your own path. It does get easier and it certainly is a whole lot easier than trying to be who you are not. Always remember Gandhi’s advice: In a gentle way, you can shake the world.

Most-prized Souvenirs
...are the unexpected friendships made along the way, they are not many but they are beautiful. Also, a pair of reindeer skin boots, handmade to size by the Nentse above the arctic circle in Russia.

Linda van der Wijk

Name one experience that pushed you beyond your limits: 
Was a trip to a village in the Mirzapur district of Utar Pradesh. I was on my way to meet a group of women, and walked through the village. It was clear the women were not supposed to leave their homes much. The village felt so unfree to me, and the hostility tangible in the air. That was a tough one as it was so alien to me, even with many trips to rural India under my belt.

Next for Linda 
More travel, continuation of the wonderful projects I am involved in, giving more workshops to adolescent girls in India, seeing the long term benefit of education in different communities, and hopefully picking up my camera again a bit more.


Linda van der Wijk