GLOBAL GYPSYJulie Skarratt
What being a global gypsy means to me.
A free spirited traveller who is happiest when on the move and who's life is a constant journey both outward and inward, a person that embraces change in all its many forms and can easily adapt to her surroundings.
Photographer, blogger, 5 rhythms teacher, traveller, student of all things henna.
My passions were all there by the time I was 5 when my life was full of dancing, playing, riding my bike as far from home as I could (well it was only as far as the corner but it seemed like a very long way) finger painting with bright colours and making necklaces out of macaroni. I loved going to the beach, feeling my skin salty, the sand between my toes, eating food with my fingers, visiting my relatives who lived in far away places, dinner in China Town where everything smelt and looked different from home, but most of all I loved cameras. I loved to stand still and smile. It made me feel special, a little princess. Then I discovered I loved to take photos too. As I grew up some things changed. There was not always time to do all the things I loved but I did get to do the thing that made me the happiest and as a model I got to travel and life became an adventure. Now as a photographer, my camera has become my calling card, an entry into the lives of the people I meet and I am blessed to be able to document the lives of those around me. Becoming a henna artist is full of learning and creativity for me. I have found a community of women eager and willing to share their knowledge and teach me all about this magical plant that has been part of making women’s lives beautiful for centuries.
Firstly I travel very light. Hand luggage only when I leave NY. Sometimes I will buy a new bag if I am doing a lot of shopping but this is rare.
I like to avoid the sun so long sleeved white shirts and a straw hat are always in my bag along with sun block. Mosquito repellent in both spray and sachet forms are a must for me. I have a large pair of silver earrings for night time and a black silk dress that folds into nothing. I live in black Ipenema sandals that can go from the city to the beach in summer and a pair of walking shoes for the plane and hiking. A great big henna design somewhere makes me happy and I find that it is an ice breaker and people are curious and want to ask me about it.
A dancing water bird. It was given to me as my totem many years ago and has been with me ever since.
Any where away from home. The further away the better.
I have to say that I slept outside on my terrace in Manhattan under the stars and it felt so weird and unprotected.
I travelled to Russia with Patch Adams dressed as a clown and visited sick and dying children in hospitals and orphanages. It was one of the hardest things I have done yet seeing the fear in the children eyes change to smiles and laughter as I played with them was the most heart warming experiences of my life.
Relaunching my website with the beautiful new logo designed by Rafti
COMPLETE THE SENTENCE: I travel to…to discover new places, to meet new people, to experience new cultures, to taste new foods, to learn new things or to return to spots where I feel most at home.